Love The Skin You’re In!

Alohaaaaaa, my loves!! It has been ages since my last post! Speaking of ages (because great skincare routines can begin at any age :), keep on reading for natural, organic skincare for healthy and youthful skin!IMG_1577 2It has always been engrained in our minds that we have to wear makeup to look and feel beautiful.  The truth is, we are given the skin we are in for life, so why are we taught to cover it up with makeup?!  While I still love makeup, to me, there is nothing more beautiful than someone rocking no makeup looks.  Lately, I have been kicking makeup as much as I can, to give my skin a bit of a breathing break.  To do that requires a stellar skincare routine.  As you may know, I am obsessed with Honey Girl Organics’ skincare products.  Over the past month I have been absolutely adoring their Super Skin Food cream.  IMG_1541Let’s just start with the smell.  The Humboldt hippie in me is all about that calming herbal scent!! It smells identical to the scent in the HGO serum that I also can’t get enough of (I don’t like to end sentences in prepositions, but you knowwwww). Now lets get on with the goods.  Super Skin Food is the richest cream in their line, and let me tell ya, it is the bees knees!!  This cream is perfect for anyone with dry skin. Every other night I like to switch Super Skin Food with my Honey Girl Organics Night Cream.  The best part about it (and all of HGO’s products), is that it is natural and made with the best, natural skincare ingredients: essential oils, honey, beeswax, olive oil, propolis, and bee pollen.  IMG_1563We can’t forget about nurturing our toes, too!  When my feet need some lovin from a day or night in heels, I layer on some of HGO’s Foot Balm.

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After a day or night in heels, Honey Girl Organics’ Foot Balm to the rescueeeee!!

It smells SO good!!!  But most importantly, it has the same skin quenching vibe that the rest of their products have, and keep my feetsies super calm and hydrated.  Remember, it is as important to quench our toes as it is our nose! :)) Screen Shot 2018-02-10 at 3.33.58 AMMy 8 oz bottle of HGO’s The Lotion, my most prized skincare possesion, was nearing its final drops recently, and Honey Girl Organic’s was so kind and generous to send me a new full bottle!!  I think my original bottle lasted an entire year!! Thank you so much, HGO!!!IMG_1573They also tossed in a lip balm (featured in the top photo above), that I’ve been keeping by the bed.  Love it!!  Many mahalos to HGO for keeping my skin in tip top shape!!!  Honey Girl Organics are a cruelty-free skincare line, and their products are made by hand from the island of Oahu, Hawaii. If you have never ordered with HGO and are interested in their line, just pop on over to their site & it will auto direct you to a 15% off coupon for your first order :)))). If you happen to try them, I would love to hear all about how they are working for you!  May we nurture and love the skin we are in!  Have a beautiful and blessed weekend! MUAH!!!! ~Kelle


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