15-Minute Time Crunch Circuit Workout

img_3114Happy weekend, everyone!  Here is my 15-Minute Time Crunch Circuit Workout! It’s all the time you need for a rockin toning sesh! Using a fitness ball and/or weight is completely up to you.  Enjoy! 💪🏻👟☀️

Isometric Hold Pushups-5min:

For 5 minutes, do tricep & chest pushups, alternating the type of pushup as often as you like. Incorporate isometric holds at the bottom of the pushups for power-toning bursts.

Squats & Lunges With Weight-5min:


30 reps of lunges with bicep curls, alternating legs and arms. I like to mix up this circuit with squats, while extending arms straight out and holding a 5lb weight for an isometric hold. Mix up the squats and lunges for the full 5 minutes. Talk about a heart rate boost & toning blast!

The Crunch Down-5min:


I finish the workout with a 5-minute crunch down by placing a fitness ball between knees. This is a great inner thigh isometric hold, while also helping stabilize your torso for a great ab sesh. Keep torso as flat as you can and reach arms from left to right, doing 30 reps on each side. Feel free to switch it up with any additional abdominal crunch variations you know, for the full 5 minutes.

Have a great weekend, lovelies! XO ~Kelle